Artem’s Mum
Artem’s Mum «Thanks to the Psychologist, who inspires hope every day that the adaptation period is going well (it could be worse) and that the child will soon find his feet.»
In the very first week, when we saw the way the learning process is organised at ENS we realised that everything worked beautifully! Thanks to the Psychologist, who inspires hope every day that the adaptation period is going well (it could be worse) and that the child will soon find his feet. Each time I went to see her, she reassured the child in an appropriate way – and then she did the same for me! The Administrator is a smile on the face of the school! Miss Emma found a way to get through to the child (special thanks!) and Miss Olesya is a very gentle, attentive assistant! The nutritionists got involved (the child does not eat anything at all), giving us recipes to make something similar at home and thereby reduce the child’s stress faced with new food! Thank you for St Valentine’s Day: it really felt like a holiday when we arrived! Everyone was fabulously beautiful and most importantly (and very noticeably) they enjoyed what was going on very much themselves! Before we came to you for an interview we were at a different branch, but the atmosphere here… The child chose you! Thank you very much!