Studying at English Nursery & Primary School

Education at ENS is based on two programmes - Early Years Foundation Stage and English National Curriculum.
The main purpose of education at ENS is comprehensive early childhood development and confident knowledge of all 4 aspect of the English language: understanding, speaking, reading and writing.
Our professional teachers and their assistants provide the perfect immersion method environment.

Our Advantages
20 years of experience
20 years of experience 5 campuses in Moscow and Moscow Region
Educated teachers from the English-speaking countries
Educated teachers from the English-speaking countries With experience teaching in pressschool and schools
Fluent English
Fluent English Bilingualism from early childhool
Comprehensive development
Comprehensive development Music, sports, art
Psyhological services
Psyhological services We support the children's mental health and development
Speech therapy service
Speech therapy service Our specialists are always there to support children's linguistic development
ENS Kitchen
ENS Kitchen The menu at ENS is prepared by a full team of nutritionists and chefs
School uniform
School uniform Our students wear a stylish and functional school uniform
social social

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