Extracurricular activities


Singing is the main type of musical activity for children, and the most accessible.

Singing lessons don’t only develop the child’s singing voice and ear for music: they also offer training in diction and articulation, facilitating the pronunciation and memorisation of new words.

  • Age: 3-7
  • Frequency: twice a week
  • Duration: 45 minutes
  • Number of children: one-on-one

There are not enough words to describe the benefits of ballet for young children.
From physical development to rhythmic development, self confidence and great posture ballet classes will enhance your child’s abilities in many aspects.

  • Age: 3+
  • Frequency: 2 per week
  • Duration: 40-60 minutes
  • Number of children: 4-10
School preparation

Going to school is a qualitatively new stage in the child’s life and development. Entering school implies a radical restructuring of their lifestyle and literally of everything that has become familiar to them. The speed and painlessness of adapting to these changes largely depends on how ready future students ar...

  • Age: 5-7
  • Frequency: 3 times a week
  • Duration: 45-90 minutes
  • Number of children: 1-6

It’s difficult to overestimate the importance of artistic creativity, just as with creativity of any kind. When the child creates something on their own, they learn to look at the world with a different eye – attentive, interested and curious – because they can always find something around them that might come in...

  • Age: 3 and up
  • Frequency: wice a week
  • Duration: 60 minutes
  • Number of children: 4-10

The teacher prepares children for playing the piano from age 3.5, and those aged five an up (subject to preliminary preparation) can engage directly in playing the piano.

Playing the piano fosters children’s sensitivity to beauty and emotional responsiveness and lays the foundations for an appreciation and...

  • Age: 3,5 and up
  • Frequency: wice a week
  • Duration: 45 minutes
  • Number of children: one-on-one

It’s no coincidence that chess is one of the most popular types of additional activity at ENS. While playing, children learn to «act in the mind»: to think, reason, choose, anticipate, observe, compare, classify, form groups, draw conclusions, and identify patterns.

  • Age: 3.5–7
  • Frequency: twice a week
  • Duration: 45-60 minutes
  • Number of children: 1-6
Speech therapy classes

All parents certainly dream of seeing their children confident, successful, and professionally established. That is why it is very important to teach the child to express their thoughts beautifully, correctly and accurately. Well-formed speech is the key to future school performance, and pure pronunciation of sounds is...

  • Age: 3 and up
  • Frequency: 2-3 times a week
  • Duration: 20-30 minutes
  • Number of children: one-on-one
Speech therapy massage

Speech therapy massage is a unique exercise tailored to help solve speech and pronunciation issues. The message is a great solution for children with speech related issues and or disorders.

  • задержка речевого развития
  • дислалия
  • дизартрия
  • алалия
  • задержка психического развит...

  • Age: 3 and up
  • Frequency: twice a week
  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Number of children: one-on-one
Irish dances

Разнообразие музыкальных ритмов, движений, видов в ирландском танце поможет развить у ребенка координацию, телесную память, музыкальных слух, научит работать в команде (в парных и групповых танцах), научит «летать» и просто получить заряд энергии, удовольствие от танца во время занятия!

При желании уче...

  • Age: от 5-ти лет
  • Frequency: 2 раза в неделю
  • Duration: 60 минут
  • Number of children: от 4
Sand therapy for children

Many of us have pleasant memories of playing with sand. You only need to go to a sandy beach by the sea, and your hands reach out to sift the sand and get a sense of its texture, temperature, colour. These are happy moments when we can sit on the sand for ours, build, create, pour it from hand to hand, make sand castle...

  • Age: 4 and up
  • Frequency: once a week
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Number of children: 2-5
Sand therapy for children and parents

Столетие назад благоприятное развитие ребенка и его успешная социализация обеспечивались различными традициями, обрядами, в которых принимали участие не только родители, но и весь клан родственников. По мере развития цивилизации подобная родовая психологическая поддержка отошла на задний план, и зачастую современная се...

  • Age: 4 and up
  • Frequency: once a week
  • Duration: 45 minutes
  • Number of children: 2-5
Group speech development sessions

Занятия в Группе Речевого Развития (ГРР) направлены на:

1. Обогащение словарного запаса:

  • Формирование обобщающих понятий;
  • Обогащение словаря за счет существительных, глаголов, прилагательных, наречий;
  • Обогащение словаря антонимов и синонимов;
  • Объяснение лексического значен...

  • Age: 4,5 and up
  • Frequency: once a week
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Number of children: 3-5
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