The children in Nursery ENS Novo are busy exploring phonics.

Simon explains how to play Petrov’s Defence (the Russian defence) and ENS Karam Year 4/5 considers the lines of best attack.

Maths can be fun! The 4 year old children at ENS Novo learn to count in a playful way.

There are some words in English that can not be read phonetically, we call them tricky words.

Спасибо всем за участие в акции помощи Благотворительному фонду «Ника»!

Поздравляем учащихся математического факультатива филиала ENS Мосфильм с победой во Всероссийской олимпиаде «Логические задачки»! Выражаем благодарность за учительский труд преподавателю группы Алексанкиной Ларисе Юрьевне!

Old McDonald had a farm …. and what else?
2 year old children at ENS Novo will tell you!

Just some informal small talk about animals at ENS Novo Nursery group: Where do the fish live?

How to get your children excited?
Here is a lifehack from ENS Dobrynya: father’s shaving cream + different colored paint + sprinkles = creative DIY decorative cupcakes.

A real carnival took place today at ENS Novo: superheroes, monsters, dinosaurs, fairies, princesses and pirates had a fashion show, danced and decorated pumpkins!

How to learn and remember the «ch» sound?

What is the non boring way to learn the vegetables?
Create a story involving them!

Every Friday Mr Matt’s class at ENS Mosfilm has “Show and Tell” time.
Children bring a toy from home and tell the class about.

Поздравляем учащихся филиала ENS Карамышевская с победой во Всероссийских олимпиадах «Я решаю логические задачки» и «Я учусь считать»!

Last Friday ENS Dobrynya had a Harvest Festival.
The children all looked wonderful in their Autumn themed costumes.

At this special time of year when the nights grow longer, the days shorten and the leaves turn golden, red and brown and fall from the trees, we celebrate the ‘Harvest’ when food is collected for the Winter-time.

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